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Partitions and nodes information

hive partition containing public compute nodes(bee's) this is a default partition. Running jobs on Hive partition's is recommended for new users and for users that want to be sure that their job will run until it end without any preemption.

queen partition containing high memory compute nodes(queen's), this partition is made for a jobs that require a lot of memory.

preempt partition are preempt-able that contain all the compute nodes(bee's) as well as public and private.  Preempt-able partition means that every job that submitted on higher priority partitions(hive,queen,private partitions) will kick off your job that running on preempt partition, and be restart from the beginning to the queue. on preempt partition you get a benefit of lower limitations per user.

ckpt partition are preempt-able that contain all the HP or DELL compute nodes(bee's) as well as public and private nodes.  Preempt-able partition means that every job that submitted on higher priority partitions(hive,queen,private partitions) will kick off your job that running on ckpt partition, and restart the job to the queue. On ckpt partition you get a benefit of lower limitations per user. This partition is very recommended for jobs that can be checkpointed, with combination of checkpoint-able job and low limitations on ckpt partition you will be able to use more resources than from the public Hive partition.

mpi partition that contain all the public compute nodes(bee's) that made for MPI jobs that using a large amount of resources

vespa partition that contain GPU's nodes(vespa's) that made for jobs that using GPU resources.

Private partition's partitions that contain private nodes that different groups has bough't, those partitions usually receive names of their group name. Running jobs on private partitions is allowed only by the users that belong the the partition group. private nodes has no limitations and will get 100% priority over any other partition that containing the private nodes(ckpt partitions for example).

Please see the below table with information regarding Hive compute nodes, different types and range of each type:

Name Quanity Model CPU's  RAM Notes/Name and range in Slurm
Compute(bee's) 32 Dell PowerEdge C6220ii 20 128GB bee001-032
Compute(bee's) 30 HP XL170r 24 128GB bee033-063
Fat node(queen's) 1 Dell PowerEdge R820 32 760GB queen01
Fat node(queen's) 2 HP DL560 56 760GB queen02-03
GPU(vespa's) 1 HP XL190r 28 256GB vespa01, Nvidia K80 GPU

 * For information regarding limitation per partition, please check the limitations section in website menu.